All publications of the team can be found on Hal.
2024 [75 publications]
Conference Articles
Run-Time Adaptation of Neural Beamforming for Robust Speech Dereverberation and Denoising
Yoto Fujita, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Diego Di Carlo, Yoshiaki Bando, Mathieu Fontaine, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
2024 APSIPA : Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, Macau China, China, December 2024.
Annealed Multiple Choice Learning: Overcoming limitations of Winner-takes-all with annealing
David Perera, Victor Letzelter, Théo Mariotte, Adrien Cortés, Mickael Chen, Slim Essid, Gaël Richard
NeurIPS 2024 : 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2024.
A Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning scheme for beat tracking amenable to few-shot learning
Antonin Gagnere, Geoffroy Peeters, Slim Essid
ISMIR 2024 : 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference Onsite and Virtual, San Francisco, Californ, United States, November 2024.
Using Pairwise Link Prediction and Graph Attention Networks for Music Structure Analysis
Morgan Buisson, Brian Mcfee, Slim Essid
25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) (2024), San Francisco (CA), United States, November 2024.
Zero-Shot Structure Labeling with Audio And Language Model Embeddings
Morgan Buisson, Christopher Ick, Tom Xi, Brian McFee
Extended Abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), San Francisco California, United States, November 2024.
Paraskevas Stamatiadis, Michel Olvera, Slim Essid
DCASE, Tokyo, Japan, October 2024.
Michel Olvera, Paraskevas Stamatiadis, Slim Essid
DCASE 2024 - 9th Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events, Tokyo, Japan, October 2024.
Socio-Emotional Response Generation: A Human Evaluation Protocol for LLM-Based Conversational Systems
Lorraine Vanel, Ariel R. Ramos Vela, Alya Yacoubi, Chloé Clavel
AHRI 2024, Glasgow, United Kingdom, September 2024.
Xuanyu Zhuang, Geoffroy Peeters, Gaël Richard
2024 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2024), London (UK), United Kingdom, September 2024. Accepted at ....
WaveTransfer: A Flexible End-to-end Multi-instrument Timbre Transfer with Diffusion
Teysir Baoueb, Xiaoyu Bie, Hicham Janati, Gael Richard
2024 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2024), London (UK), United Kingdom, September 2024. Accepted at ....
RIR-in-a-Box: Estimating Room Acoustics from 3D Mesh Data through Shoebox Approximation
Liam Kelley, Diego Di Carlo, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Mathieu Fontaine, Yoshiaki Bando, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
INTERSPEECH, Kos International Convention Center, Kos Island, Greece, September 2024.
Explainable by-design Audio Segmentation through Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Probing
Martin Lebourdais, Théo Mariotte, Antonio Almudévar, Marie Tahon, Alfonso Ortega
Interspeech 2024, Kos / Greece, France, September 2024.
Speech dereverberation constrained on room impulse response characteristics
Louis Bahrman, Mathieu Fontaine, Jonathan Le Roux, Gaël Richard
INTERSPEECH, Kos Island, Greece, September 2024.
Multifrequency Highly Oscillating Aperiodic Amplitude Estimation for Nonlinear Chirp Signal
Anton Emelchenkov, Mathieu Fontaine, Yves Grenier, Hervé Mahé, François Roueff
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, August 2024.
Invariance-based layer regularization for sound event detection
David Perera, Slim Essid, Richard Gaël
European Signal Processing Conference, Lyon, France, August 2024.
Using Random Codebooks for Audio Neural AutoEncoders
Benoît Giniès, Xiaoyu Bie, Olivier Fercoq, Gaël Richard
How Does Distributed Denial of Service Affect the Connected Cars Environment?
Ayoub Wehby, Sherali Zeadally, Rida Khatoun, Mohammed Bouchouia, Ahmad Fadlallah
International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT’2024), Valletta, Malta, July 2024.
Winner-takes-all learners are geometry-aware conditional density estimators
Victor Letzelter, David Perera, Cédric Rommel, Mathieu Fontaine, Slim Essid, Gael Richard, Patrick Pérez
International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienne (Autriche), Austria, July 2024.
Mapping AI ethics: a meso-scale analysis of its charters and manifestos
Mélanie Gornet, Simon Delarue, Maria Boritchev, Tiphaine Viard
FAccT ’24: The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2024.
The Curious Decline of Linguistic Diversity: Training Language Models on Synthetic Text
Yanzhu Guo, Guokan Shang, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Chloé Clavel
NAACL 2024 Findings - Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2024. Accepted to ....
MAFALDA: A Benchmark and Comprehensive Study of Fallacy Detection and Classification
Chadi Helwe, Tom Calamai, Pierre-Henri Paris, Fabian M. Suchanek, Chloé Clavel
NAACL, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2024.
MAFALDA: A Benchmark and Comprehensive Study of Fallacy Detection and Classification
Chadi Helwe, Tom Calamai, Pierre-Henri Paris, Chloé Clavel, Fabian M Suchanek
NAACL 2024 - North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2024.
Collaborating Foundation Models for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation
Yasser Benigmim, Subhankar Roy, Slim Essid, Vicky Kalogeiton, Stéphane Lathuilière
2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle (USA), United States, June 2024. https://gith....
Multimodal models of repair in social human-agent interactions
Anh Ngo, Chloé Clavel, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Rollet
WACAI 2024: Workshop Affect, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions, Bordeaux, France, June 2024.
Sketch In, Sketch Out: Accelerating both Learning and Inference for Structured Prediction with Kernels
Tamim El Ahmad, Luc Brogat-Motte, Pierre Laforgue, Florence d’Alché-Buc
27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Valencia, Spain, May 2024.
Embodied exploration of deep latent spaces in interactive dance-music performance
Sarah Nabi, Philippe Esling, Geoffroy Peeters, Frédéric Bevilacqua
9th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO ’24), Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2024.
Adapting Pitch-Based Self Supervised Learning Models for Tempo Estimation
Antonin Gagneré, Slim Essid, Geoffroy Peeters
ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, South Korea, April 2024.
Unsupervised Harmonic Parameter Estimation Using Differentiable DSP and Spectral Optimal Transport
Bernardo Torres, Geoffroy Peeters, Gaël Richard
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Seoul, South Korea, April 2024. Accepted in ....
GLA-Grad: A Griffin-Lim Extended Waveform Generation Diffusion Model
Haocheng Liu, Teysir Baoueb, Mathieu Fontaine, Jonathan Le Roux, Gael Richard
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Seoul (Korea), South Korea, April 2024. Accepted at ....
Aurian Quelennec, Michel Olvera, Geoffroy Peeters, Slim Essid
ICASSP, Séoul, South Korea, April 2024.
Blind estimation of audio effects using an auto-encoder approach and differentiable digital signal processing
Côme Peladeau, Geoffroy Peeters
ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, South Korea, April 2024.
Diego Di Carlo, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Mathieu Fontaine, Yoshiaki Bando, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
ICASSP, Seoul (Korea), South Korea, April 2024.
SpecDiff-GAN: A Spectrally-Shaped Noise Diffusion GAN for Speech and Music Synthesis
Teysir Baoueb, Haocheng Liu, Mathieu Fontaine, Jonathan Le Roux, Gael Richard
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Seoul (Korea), South Korea, April 2024. Accepted at ....
Elio Gruttadauria, Mathieu Fontaine, Slim Essid
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Seoul (Korea), South Korea, April 2024. Accepted at ....
A fully differentiable model for unsupervised singing voice separation
Gael Richard, Pierre Chouteau, Bernardo Torres
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Seoul, South Korea, April 2024.
Structure-informed Positional Encoding for Music Generation
Manvi Agarwal, Changhong Wang, Gaël Richard
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, South Korea, April 2024.
Variational Perspective on Fair Edge Prediction
Antoine Gourru, Charlotte Laclau, Manvi Choudhary, Christine Largeron
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2024.
Thomas Serre, Mathieu Fontaine, Éric Benhaim, Geoffroy Dutour, Slim Essid
ICASSP, Seoul (Korea), South Korea, April 2024. Accepted at ....
A Study on Hierarchical Text Classification as a Seq2seq Task
Fatos Torba, Christophe Gravier, Charlotte Laclau, Abderrhammen Kammoun, Julien Subercaze
46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024), GLASGOW, United Kingdom, March 2024.
Interpretive flexibility in data science and artificial intelligence
Tiphaine Viard, Mélanie Gornet, Simon Delarue
Undone Computer Science, Nantes, France, February 2024.
Defining Lyapunov functions as the solution of a performance estimation saddle point problem
Olivier Fercoq
November 2024. working pape....
Learning with Importance Weighted Variational Inference: Asymptotics for Gradient Estimators of the VR-IWAE Bound
Kamélia Daudel, François Roueff
October 2024. working pape....
Pascal Bianchi, Bernard Delyon, François Portier, Victor Priser
September 2024. working pape....
Reconstructing the Unseen: GRIOT for Attributed Graph Imputation with Optimal Transport
Richard Serrano, Charlotte Laclau, Baptiste Jeudy, Christine Largeron
August 2024. working pape....
Regenerative bootstrap for β-null recurrent Markov chains
Carlos Fernández
July 2024. Submitted to....
Minimax optimal seriation in polynomial time
Yann Issartel, Christophe Giraud, Nicolas Verzelen
May 2024. working pape....
Long run convergence of discrete-time interacting particle systems of the McKean-Vlasov type
Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem, Victor Priser
April 2024. working pape....
Monitoring the Convergence Speed of PDHG to Find Better Primal and Dual Step Sizes
Olivier Fercoq
March 2024. working pape....
The Smoothed Duality Gap as a Stopping Criterion
Iyad Walwil, Olivier Fercoq
March 2024. working pape....
Importance sampling for online variational learning
Mathis Chagneux, Pierre Gloaguen, Sylvain Le Corff, Jimmy Olsson
February 2024. working pape....
Statistical learning for multivariate and functional extremes
Nathan Huet
November 2024.
Evaluating and Improving the Reasoning Abilities of Language Models
Chadi Helwe
July 2024.
Learning deep kernel networks : application to efficient and robust structured prediction
Tamim El Ahmad
July 2024.
Informed Speech Self-supervised Representation Learning
Mohamed Salah Zaiem
March 2024.
A Statistical analysis of algorithms dedicated for rare events
Anass Aghbalou
February 2024.
Journal Articles
An Eye for an Ear: Zero-shot Audio Description Leveraging an Image Captioner using Audiovisual Distribution Alignment
Hugo Malard, Michel Olvera, Stéphane Lathuiliere, Slim Essid
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, October 2024.
Mixture of segmentation for heterogeneous functional data
Vincent Brault, Emilie Devijver, Charlotte Laclau
Electronic Journal of Statistics , September 2024.
Do Language Models Enjoy Their Own Stories? Prompting Large Language Models for Automatic Story Evaluation
Cyril Chhun, Fabian M. Suchanek, Chloé Clavel
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, September 2024. TACL, pre-MI....
Regular variation in Hilbert spaces and principal component analysis for functional extremes
Stéphan Clémençon, Nathan Huet, Anne Sabourin
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, August 2024.
Statistical wave field theory
Roland Badeau
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, July 2024.
Electroencephalography Response during an Incremental Test According to the V̇O2max Plateau Incidence
Véronique Billat, Christian Berthomier, Michel Clémençon, Marie Brandewinder, Slim Essid, Cécilia Damon, François Rigaud, Alexis Bénichoux, Emmanuel Maby, Lesly Fornoni, Patrick Bouchet, Pascal Beers, Bertrand Massot, Patrice Revol, Luc Poinsard, Thomas Creveaux, Christian Collet, Jérémie Mattout, Vincent Pialoux
Applied Sciences, June 2024.
The Impact of Word Splitting on the Semantic Content of Contextualized Word Representations
Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 2024.
Absorptive nature of scattering coefficients in stress-energy tensor formalism for room acoustics
Jean-Dominique Polack, Hugo Dujourdy, Roland Badeau
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, April 2024.
Pair-Matching: Link Prediction with Adaptive Queries
Christophe Giraud, Yann Issartel, Luc Lehericy, Matthieu Lerasle
Mathematical Statistics and Learning, March 2024.
Modeling the Interplay Between Cohesion Dimensions: a Challenge for Group Affective Emergent States
Lucien Maman, Nale Lehmann- Willenbrock, Mohamed Chetouani, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Giovanna Varni
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, January 2024.
Tackling Interpretability in Audio Classification Networks with Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Jayneel Parekh, Sanjeel Parekh, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Gael Richard, Florence d’Alché-Buc
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, January 2024.
On the importance of wind predictions in wake steering optimization
Elie Kadoche, Pascal Bianchi, Florence Carton, Philippe Ciblat, Damien Ernst
Wind Energy Science, January 2024.
The European approach to regulating AI through technical standards
Mélanie Gornet, Winston Maxwell
Internet Policy Review, 2024.
Stochastic Subgradient Descent Escapes Active Strict Saddles on Weakly Convex Functions
Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem, Sholom Schechtman
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2024. Accepted for....
New penalized criteria for smooth non-negative tensor factorization with missing entries
Amaury Durand, François Roueff, Jean-Marc Jicquel, Nicolas Paul
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2024.
Model-Based Deep Learning for Music Information Research
Gael Richard, Vincent Lostanlen, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Meinard Müller
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2024.
Self-Supervised Learning of Multi-level Audio Representations for Music Segmentation
Morgan Buisson, Brian Mcfee, Slim Essid, Hélène Crayencour
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2024.
Technical Reports
On Ranking-based Tests of Independence
Myrto Limnios, Stéphan Clémençon
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2024.
2023 [91 publications]
Towards More Robust NLP System Evaluation: Handling Missing Scores in Benchmarks
Pierre Colombo, Anas Himmi, Ekhine Irurozki, Nathan Noiry, Stéphan Clémençon
May 2024. working pape....
Tailoring Mixup to Data using Kernel Warping functions
Quentin Bouniot, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Florence d’Alché-Buc
April 2024. working pape....
Unbalanced CO-Optimal Transport
Quang Huy Tran, Hicham Janati, Nicolas Courty, Rémi Flamary, Ievgen Redko, Pinar Demetci, Ritambhara Singh
Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 2023.
Locally differentially private estimation of nonlinear functionals of discrete distributions
Cristina Butucea, Yann Issartel
NeurIPS 2021 : Thirty-fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023.
Conference Articles
Resilient Multiple Choice Learning: A learned scoring scheme with application to audio scene analysis
Victor Letzelter, Mathieu Fontaine, Mickaël Chen, Patrick Pérez, Slim Essid, Gael Richard
Advances in neural information processing systems, New Orleans, United States, December 2023.
Active Bipartite Ranking
James Cheshire, Stéphan Clémençon, Vincent Laurent
Thirty-seventh Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, United States, December 2023.
Fair Text Classification with Wasserstein Independence
Thibaud Leteno, Antoine Gourru, Charlotte Laclau, Rémi Emonet, Christophe Gravier
2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, Singapore, December 2023.
Toward Stronger Textual Attack Detectors
Pierre Colombo, Marine Picot, Nathan Noiry, Guillaume Staerman, Pablo Piantanida
2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023), Singapour, Singapore, December 2023.
Automatic Analysis of Substantiation in Scientific Peer Reviews
Yanzhu Guo, Guokan Shang, Virgile Rennard, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Chloé Clavel
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, Singapore (SG), Singapore, December 2023.
Comparing a Mentalist and an Interactionist Approach for Trust Analysis in Human-Robot Interaction
Marc Hulcelle, Giovanna Varni, Nicolas Rollet, Chloé Clavel
HAI ’23: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 2023.
Singer Identity Representation Learning using Self-Supervised Techniques
Bernardo Torres, Stefan Lattner, Gael Richard
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2023), Milan, Italy, November 2023.
A Novel Information-Theoretic Objective to Disentangle Representations for Fair Classification
Pierre Colombo, Nathan Noiry, Guillaume Staerman, Pablo Piantanida
IJCNLP-AACL 2023 : The 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, November 2023.
Jose Manuel Gil Panal, Aurélien David, Gael Richard
Late Breaking Demo - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Milan (Italie), Italy, November 2023.
A Repetition-based Triplet Mining Approach for Music Segmentation
Morgan Buisson, Brian Mcfee, Slim Essid, Helene-Camille Crayencour
International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Milan, Italy, November 2023.
Self-Similarity-Based and Novelty-based loss for music structure analysis
Geoffroy Peeters
Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Milano, Italy, November 2023.
PESTO: Pitch Estimation with Self-supervised Transposition-equivariant Objective
Alain Riou, Stefan Lattner, Gaëtan Hadjeres, Geoffroy Peeters
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2023), Milan, Italy, November 2023.
Transfer Learning and Bias Correction with Pre-trained Audio Embeddings
Changhong Wang, Gaël Richard, Brian Mcfee
The 24th conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Milan, Italy, November 2023.
Dodging the Double Descent in Deep Neural Networks
Victor Quétu, Enzo Tartaglione
2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2023.
Time-Domain Audio Source Separation Based on Gaussian Processes with Deep Kernel Learning
Aditya Arie Nugraha, Diego Di Carlo, Yoshiaki Bando, Mathieu Fontaine, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
WASPAA, New Paltz, France, October 2023.
Can Unstructured Pruning Reduce the Depth in Deep Neural Networks?
Zhu Liao, Victor Quétu, Van-Tam Nguyen, Enzo Tartaglione
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, Paris, France, October 2023.
The Robust Semantic Segmentation UNCV2023 Challenge Results
Xuanlong Yu, Juan C Sanmiguel, Xiaowen Zhang, Marcos Escudero-Viñolo, Rui Peng, Hanlin Tian, Xinyi Wang, Kenta Matsui, Jiaxuan Zhao, Tianhao Wang, Junpei Zhang, Fahmy Adan, Zitao Wang, Zhitong Gao, Xuming He, Yuting Yang, Quentin Bouniot, Fang Liu, Hossein Moghaddam, Yi Zuo, Shyam Nandan Rai, Kexin Zhang, Fabio Cermelli, Roberto Alcover-Couso, Carlo Masone, Licheng Jiao, Andrea Pilzer, Elisa Ricci, Andrei Bursuc, Arno Solin, Martin Trapp, Rui Li, Angela Yao, Wenlong Chen, Ivor Simpson, Neill D. F. Campbell, Gianni Franchi
2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCVW) Workshops, Paris, France, October 2023.
Insights Into the Importance of Linguistic Textual Features on the Persuasiveness of Public Speaking
Alisa Barkar, Mathieu Chollet, Beatrice Biancardi, Chloe Clavel
iCMI 2023: 25th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Paris, France, October 2023.
Overview of Touché 2023: Argument and Causal Retrieval
Alexander Bondarenko, Maik Fröbe, Johannes Kiesel, Ferdinand Schlatt, Valentin Barriere, Brian Ravenet, Léo Hemamou, Simon Luck, Jan Heinrich Reimer, Benno Stein, Martin Potthast, Matthias Hagen
14th Conference and Labs of Evaluation Forum, Thessalokini, Greece, September 2023.
When to generate hedges in peer-tutoring interactions
Alafate Abulimiti, Chloé Clavel, Justine Cassell
SIGDIAL - 24th Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2023. In Proceedin....
Signal Inpainting from Fourier Magnitudes
Louis Bahrman, Marina Krémé, Paul Magron, Antoine Deleforge
EUSIPCO 2023, Helsinki, Finland, September 2023.
Study of historical Byzantine seal images: the BHAI project for computer-based sigillography
Victoria Eyharabide, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Lucia Maria Orlandi, Alexandre Binoux, Theophile Rageau, Qijia Huang, Attilio Fiandrotti, Béatrice Caseau, Isabelle Bloch
ICDAR 2023 International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (7th edition) (HIP’23), San José, CA, United States, August 2023.
Speech Self-Supervised Representation Benchmarking: Are We Doing it Right?
Salah Zaiem, Youcef Kemiche, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid, Mirco Ravanelli
INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, August 2023.
Automatic Data Augmentation for Domain Adapted Fine-Tuning of Self-Supervised Speech Representations
Salah Zaiem, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid
INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin (Ireland), Ireland, August 2023.
Robust Consensus in Ranking Data Analysis: Definitions, Properties and Computational Issues
Ekhine Irurozki, Morgane Goibert, Clément Calauzènes, Stéphan Clémençon
Proceedings of the 40 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, United States, July 2023.
How About Kind of Generating Hedges using End-to-End Neural Models?
Alafate Abulimiti, Chloé Clavel, Justine Cassell
61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Toronto, Canada, July 2023.
Optimized preprocessing and Tiny ML for Attention State Classification
Yinghao Wang, Rémi Nahon, Enzo Tartaglione, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Van-Tam Nguyen
2023 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Hanoi, Vietnam, July 2023.
Measuring Lexico-Semantic Alignment in Debates with Contextualized Word Representations
Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Social Influence in Conversations (SICon 2023), Toronto, Canada, July 2023.
Participation de l’équipe TTGV à DEFT 2023 : Réponse automatique à des QCM issus d’examens en pharmacie
Andréa Blivet, Solène Degrutère, Barbara Gendron, Aurélien Renault, Cyrille Siouffi, Vanessa Gaudray Bouju, Christophe Cerisara, Hélène Flamein, Gaël Guibon, Matthieu Labeau, Tom Rousseau
CORIA TALN RJCRI RECITAL 2023, Paris, France, June 2023.
Un mot, deux facettes : traces des opinions dans les représentations contextualisées des mots
Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau, Chloe Clavel
18e Conférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications – 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI – 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles – 25e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, Paris, France, June 2023.
Protocole d’annotation multi-label pour une nouvelle approche à la génération de réponse socio-émotionnelle orientée-tâche
Lorraine Vanel, Alya Yacoubi, Chloe Clavel
18e Conférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications – 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI – 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles – 25e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, Paris, France, June 2023.
Cosmopolite Sound Monitoring (CoSMo): A Study of Urban Sound Event Detection Systems Generalizing to Multiple Cities
Florian Angulo, Slim Essid, Geoffroy Peeters, Christophe Mietlicki
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2023. Copyright 20....
Explainable Audio Classification of Playing Techniques with Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
Changhong Wang, Vincent Lostanlen, Mathieu Lagrange
2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greece, June 2023.
An Adaptive Layer to Leverage Both Domain and Task Specific Information from Scarce Data
Gaël Guibon, Matthieu Labeau, Luce Lefeuvre, Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Washington DC, United States, June 2023.
Félix Mathieu, Thomas Courtat, Gael Richard, Geoffroy Peeters
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greece, June 2023.
Fine-tuning strategies for faster inference using speech self-supervised models: a comparative study
Salah Zaiem, Robin Algayres, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid, Mirco Ravanelli
ICASSP 2023 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Rhodes, Greece, June 2023.
Fast and accurate nonlinear interference in-band spectrum prediction for sparse channel allocation
Isaia Andrenacci, Matteo Lonardi, Petros Ramantanis, Elie Awwad, Ekhine Irurozki, Stéphan Clémençon
27th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2023), Coimbra, Portugal, May 2023.
Introducing the 3MT_French Dataset
Beatrice Biancardi, Mathieu Chollet, Chloé Clavel
1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium, Barcellona, Spain, April 2023.
Origins of Low-dimensional Adversarial Perturbations
Elvis Dohmatob, Chuan Guo, Morgane Goibert
AISTATS 2023, Valencia, Spain, April 2023.
Diverse Paraphrasing with Insertion Models for Few-Shot Intent Detection
Raphaël Chevasson, Charlotte Laclau, Christophe Gravier
IDA 2023: Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XXI, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, April 2023.
An Investigation of Structures Responsible for Gender Bias in BERT and DistilBERT
Thibaud Leteno, Antoine Gourru, Charlotte Laclau, Christophe Gravier
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, April 2023.
Reconstruction of trajectories of athletes using computer vision models and kinetic analysis
Qi Gan, Sao Mai Nguyen, Eric Fenaux, Stéphan Clémençon, Mounim El Yacoubi, Ons Jelassi
The 17th Annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Boston, MA, United States, March 2023.
It’s not Just What You Do but also When You Do It: Novel Perspectives for Informing Interactive Public Speaking Training
Beatrice Biancardi, Yingjie Duan, Mathieu Chollet, Chloé Clavel
International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications, Lisbonne, Portugal, February 2023.
Unbalanced CO-Optimal Transport
Quang Huy Tran, Hicham Janati, Nicolas Courty, Rémi Flamary, Ievgen Redko, Pinar Demetci, Ritambhara Singh
AAAI, Washington, United States, February 2023. Edit format ....
Solving stochastic weak Minty variational inequalities without increasing batch size
Thomas Pethick, Olivier Fercoq, Puya Latafat, Panagiotis Patrinos, Volkan Cevher
International Conference on Learning Representations ICLR, Kigali, Rwanda, 2023. Code accessi....
One-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Personalized Diffusion Models
Yasser Benigmim, Subhankar Roy, Slim Essid, Vicky Kalogeiton, Stéphane Lathuilière
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition- Workshop on Generative Models for Computer Vision, vancouver, Canada, 2023. Proceedings ....
Automatic analysis of trust over the course of a human-robot interaction using multimodal features and recurrent neural architectures
Marc Hulcelle
December 2023.
Statistical Understanding of Adversarial Robustness
Morgane Goibert
November 2023.
Traitement de la phase des signaux audio dans les réseaux de neurones profonds
Félix Mathieu
November 2023.
Multi-target tracking and novel variational approaches for high-dimensional sequential data : an application to object counting in videos
Mathis Chagneux
November 2023.
Un cadre flexible pour l’apprentissage automatique interprétable : application à la classification d’images et d’audio
Jayneel Parekh
July 2023.
Multi layered Misbehavior Detection for a connected and autonomous vehicle
Mohammed Bouchouia
June 2023.
Structured Prediction with Output Regularization : Improving Statistical and Computational Efficiency
Luc Motte
April 2023.
Monte Carlo Methods and Stochastic Approximation : Theory and Applications to Machine Learning
Rémi Leluc
March 2023.
Stochastic Second Order Methods and Finite Time Analysis of Policy Gradient Methods
Rui Yuan
March 2023.
Function-valued regression with kernels : Improving speed, flexibility and robustness
Dimitri Bouche
January 2023.
Tail Index Estimation for Discrete Heavy-Tailed Distributions with Application to Statistical Inference for Regular Markov Chains
Patrice Bertail, Stephan Clémençon, Carlos Fernández
November 2023. Submitted to....
Harris Recurrent Markov Chains and Nonlinear Monotone Cointegrated Models
Patrice Bertail, Cécile Durot, Carlos Fernández
November 2023. Submitted to....
Speech Self-Supervised Representations Benchmarking: a Case for Larger Probing Heads
Salah Zaiem, Youcef Kemiche, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid, Mirco Ravanelli
September 2023. 11 Pages.
Training dynamic models using early exits for automatic speech recognition on resource-constrained devices
George August Wright, Umberto Cappellazzo, Salah Zaiem, Desh Raj, Lucas Ondel Yang, Daniele Falavigna, Alessio Brutti
September 2023. working pape....
Tail Inverse Regression: dimension reduction for prediction of extremes
Anass Aghbalou, François Portier, Anne Sabourin, Chen Zhou
February 2023. main paper: ....
Online Matching in Geometric Random Graphs
Flore Sentenac, Nathan Noiry, Matthieu Lerasle, Laurent Ménard, Vianney Perchet
2023. working pape....
Audiocarnet for the presentation of the Statistical Wave Field Theory
Roland Badeau
November 2023.
Conférence Nationale d’Intelligence Artificielle Année 2023
Emmanuel Adam, Thomas Guyet, Benoit Le Blanc, Dominique Longin, Zied Bouraoui, Sandra Bringay, Romaric Gaudel, Charlotte Laclau, Christelle Launois, Maxime Morge, Catherine Roussey, François Schwarzentruber, Cassia Trojahn, Élise Vareilles, Anaelle Wilczynski
October 2023.
Technical Reports
Procédure de diffusion des publications de l’ATALA sur les archives ouvertes
Yannick Parmentier, Sylvain Pogodalla, Rachel Bawden, Matthieu Labeau, Iris Eshkol-Taravella
September 2023.
Journal Articles
A closed-measure approach to stochastic approximation
Pascal Bianchi, Rodolfo Rios-Zertuche
Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, December 2023.
Concentration bounds for the empirical angular measure with statistical learning applications
Stéphan Clémençon, Hamid Jalalzai, Stéphane Lhaut, Anne Sabourin, Johan Segers
Bernoulli, November 2023.
A Statistical Learning View of Simple Kriging
Emilia Siviero, Emilie Chautru, Stéphan Clémençon
Test, November 2023.
Fighting selection bias in statistical learning: application to visual recognition from biased image databases
Stéphan Clémençon, Pierre Laforgue, Robin Vogel
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, October 2023.
Dynamical correlations in simple disorder and complex disorder liquids
Bernarda Lovrinčević, Martina Požar, Ivo Jukić, David Perera, Aurélien Perera
Journal of Molecular Liquids, October 2023.
Fast Kernel Methods for Generic Lipschitz Losses via p-Sparsified Sketches
Tamim El Ahmad, Pierre Laforgue, Florence d’Alché-Buc
Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal, September 2023.
Weakly stationary stochastic processes valued in a separable Hilbert space: Gramian-Cramér representations and applications
Amaury Durand, François Roueff
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, August 2023.
On the Fair Comparison of Optimization Algorithms in Different Machines
Etor Arza, Josu Ceberio, Ekhine Irurozki, Aritz Perez
Annals of Applied Statistics, August 2023.
Wind power predictions from nowcasts to 4-hour forecasts: a learning approach with variable selection
Dimitri Bouche, Rémi Flamary, Florence D’alché-Buc, Riwal Plougonven, Marianne Clausel, Jordi Badosa, Philippe Drobinski
Renewable Energy, July 2023.
Audio Signal Processing in the 21st Century
Gaël Richard, Paris Smaragdis, Sharon Gannot, Patrick A Naylor, Shoji Makino, Walter Kellermann, Akihiko Sugiyama
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, July 2023.
Hi! PARIS: IA et Sciences des données pour la société
Gael Richard, Vieille Nicolas, Moulines Eric
Télécom : revue de l’Association Amicale des ingénieurs de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des télécommunications, June 2023.
Functional anomaly detection: a benchmark study
Guillaume Staerman, Eric Adjakossa, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Vera Hofer, Jayant Sen Gupta, Stéphan Clémençon
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, June 2023.
Multimodal Hierarchical Attention Neural Network: Looking for Candidates Behaviour Which Impact Recruiter’s Decision
Léo Hemamou, Arthur Guillon, Jean-Claude Martin, Chloé Clavel
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, April 2023.
Comparing Two Samples Through Stochastic Dominance: A Graphical Approach
Etor Arza, Josu Ceberio, Ekhiñe Irurozki, Aritz Pérez
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, April 2023.
Unsupervised Music Source Separation Using Differentiable Parametric Source Models
Kilian Schulze-Forster, Gaël Richard, Liam Kelley, Clement Doire, Roland Badeau
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, March 2023.
The multichannel maximum-likelihood (MCML) method: a new approach for infrasound detection and wave parameter estimation
B. Poste, M. Charbit, A. Le Pichon, C. Listowski, François Roueff, J. Vergoz
Geophysical Journal International, February 2023.
Affine invariant integrated rank-weighted statistical depth: properties and finite sample analysis
Stephan Clémençon, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Guillaume Staerman
Electronic Journal of Statistics , January 2023.
Pseudo-Bayesian Approach for Robust Mode Detection and Extraction Based on the STFT
Quentin Legros, Dominique Fourer
Sensors, January 2023.
Scaling by subsampling for big data, with applications to statistical learning
Patrice Bertail, Mohammed Bouchouia, Ons Jelassi, Jessica Tressou, Mélanie Zetlaoui
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2023.
Quadratic error bound of the smoothed gap and the restarted averaged primal-dual hybrid gradient
Olivier Fercoq
Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization, 2023.
Monotonic Alpha-divergence Minimisation for VariationalInference
Kamélia Daudel, Randal Douc, François Roueff
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023.
Conference Articles
2022 [98 publications]
Introducing the 3MT_French Dataset to Investigate the Timing of Public Speaking Judgements
Beatrice Biancardi, Mathieu Chollet, Chloé Clavel
December 2023. working pape....
Conference Articles
The Glass Ceiling of Automatic Evaluation in Natural Language Generation
Pierre Colombo, Maxime Peyrard, Nathan Noiry, Robert West, Pablo Piantanida
IJCNLP-AACL 2023 : The 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, November 2023.
Conference Articles
Interpretable Generative Modeling Using a Hierarchical Topological VAE
Etienne Desticourt, Véronique Letort, Florence d’Alché-Buc
2022 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, United States, December 2022.
Assessing Performance and Fairness Metrics in Face Recognition – Bootstrap Methods
Jean-Rémy Conti, Stéphan Clémençon
NeurIPS 2022 : Trustworthy and Socially Responsible Machine Learning (TSRML), Virtual conference, France, December 2022.
An Adversarial Robustness Perspective on the Topology of Neural Networks
Morgane Goibert, Thomas Ricatte, Elvis Dohmatob
ML Safety Workshop, NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, United States, December 2022.
TINA: Textual Inference with Negation Augmentation
Chadi Helwe, Simon Coumes, Chloé Clavel, Fabian Suchanek
The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ( EMNLP 2022 ), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 2022.
Questioning the Validity of Summarization Datasets and Improving Their Factual Consistency
Yanzhu Guo, Chloé Clavel, Moussa Kamal Eddine, Michalis Vazirgiannis
2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 2022.
LogiTorch: A PyTorch-based library for logical reasoning on natural language
Chadi Helwe, Chloé Clavel, Fabian Suchanek
The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 2022.
Learning Multi-Level Representations for Hierarchical Music Structure Analysis
Morgan Buisson, Brian Mcfee, Slim Essid, Helene-Camille Crayencour
International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Bengaluru, India, December 2022.
Geoffroy Peeters, Florian Angulo
Late-Breaking/Demo Session of ISMIR (International Society for Music Infor- mation Retrieval), Bengalore, India, December 2022.
Exploiting device and audio data to tag music with User-Aware listening contexts
Karim M Ibrahim, Elena V. Epure, Geoffroy Peeters, Gael Richard
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022), Bengalore, India, December 2022.
Benchopt: Reproducible, efficient and collaborative optimization benchmarks
Thomas Moreau, Mathurin Massias, Alexandre Gramfort, Pierre Ablin, Pierre-Antoine Bannier, Benjamin Charlier, Mathieu Dagréou, Tom Dupré La Tour, Ghislain Durif, Cassio F. Dantas, Quentin Klopfenstein, Johan Larsson, En Lai, Tanguy Lefort, Benoit Malézieux, Badr Moufad, Binh T Nguyen, Alain Rakotomamonjy, Zaccharie Ramzi, Joseph Salmon, Samuel Vaiter
NeurIPS 2022 - 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, United States, November 2022.
A Conditional Randomization Test for Sparse Logistic Regression in High-Dimension
Binh T. Nguyen, Bertrand Thirion, Sylvain Arlot
NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, United States, November 2022.
Training Computational Models of Group Processes without Groundtruth: the Self- vs External Assessment’s Dilemma
Lucien Maman, Gualtiero Volpe, Giovanna Varni
Latent and Adversarial Data Augmentation for Sound Event Detection and Classification
David Perera, Slim Essid, Gaël Richard
International workshop on Detection and Classiffication of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), Nancy, France, November 2022.
Scattering at the angles of polyhedral rooms: application of stress-energy tensor conservation in Riemannian spaces
Jean-Dominique Polack, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Christophe Valière
24th international congress on acoustics, Gyeongju, South Korea, October 2022.
The absorptive nature of the scattering coefficient in the stress-energy tensor formalism for room acoustics
Jean-Dominique Polack, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau
24th international congress on acoustics (ICA 2022), Gyeongju, South Korea, October 2022.
Domain Adaptation for Stance Detection towards Unseen Target on Social Media
Ruofan Deng, Li Panl, Chloé Clavel
2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Nara, Japan, October 2022.
Minconvnets: a New Class of Multiplication-Less Neural Networks
Xuecan Yang, Sumanta Chaudhuri, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Lirida Naviner
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeaux, France, October 2022.
Of Human Criteria and Automatic Metrics: A Benchmark of the Evaluation of Story Generation
Cyril Chhun, Pierre Colombo, Fabian M Suchanek, Chloé Clavel
29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022), Gyeongju, South Korea, October 2022.
One Word, Two Sides: Traces of Stance in Contextualized Word Representations
Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022), Gyeongju, South Korea, October 2022.
Automatic Data Augmentation Selection and Parametrization in Contrastive Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning
Salah Zaiem, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid
Interspeech 2022, Incheon, South Korea, September 2022.
Impact de perturbations internes sur l’entraînement de réseaux profonds pour la détection d’évènements sonores
David Perera, Slim Essid, Gael Richard
Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), Nancy, France, September 2022.
Apprentissage de bancs de filtres pour la séparation aveugle de sources sonores
Félix Mathieu, Thomas Courtat, Gael Richard, Geoffroy Peeters
Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), Nancy, France, September 2022.
Mitigating Gender Bias of Pre-Trained Face Recognition Models with an Ethical Module
Jean-Rémy Conti, Nathan Noiry, Vincent Despiegel, Stéphane Gentric, Stephan Clémençon
Workshop on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence as a part of the ECML/PKDD 22 program, Grenoble, France, France, September 2022.
Fractionally Integrated Autoregressive Moving Average processes valued in a separable Hilbert space
François Roueff
Adaptive and High-Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Methods for Forecasting, Luminy, France, September 2022.
An Exploratory Study on Group Potency Classification from Non-verbal Social Behaviours
Nicola Corbellini, Eleonora Ceccaldi, Giovanna Varni, Gualtiero Volpe
12th International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, Montreal, Canada, August 2022.
Rate-Distortion Theoretic Generalization Bounds for Stochastic Learning Algorithms
Milad Sefidgaran, Amin Gohari, Gael Richard, Umut Şimşekli
COLT 2022 - 35th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, London, United Kingdom, July 2022.
Implementing the cumulative difference plot in the IOHanalyzer
Etor Arza, Josu Ceberio, Ekhiñe Irurozki, Aritz Pérez
GECCO ’22: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Boston Massachusetts, United States, July 2022.
Mitigating Gender Bias in Face Recognition Using the von Mises-Fisher Mixture Model
Stéphan Clémençon, Jean-Rémy Conti, Nathan Noiry, Vincent Despiegel, Stéphane Gentric
ICML, Honolulu, United States, July 2022.
Functional Output Regression with Infimal Convolution: Exploring the Huber and -insensitive Losses
Alex Lambert, Dimitri Bouche, Zoltan Szabo, Florence d’Alché-Buc
International Conference on Machine Learning - 2022, Baltimore, United States, July 2022.
Learning to Predict Graphs with Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Barycenters
Luc Brogat-Motte, Rémi Flamary, Celine Brouard, Juho Rousu, Florence d’Alché-Buc
ICML 2022 - 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, Baltimore, United States, July 2022.
FVTD simulation of the acoustics of the Phonocamptic Cave in Noyon
Hugo Duval, Antoine Thomas, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Christophe Valière, Jean-Dominique Polack
The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, Verona, Italy, July 2022.
Adapting the EST method to ancient theatres: a proposal
Jean-Dominique Polack, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Christophe Valière
The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, Verona, Italy, July 2022.
Polysemy in Spoken Conversations and Written Texts
Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, June 2022.
EZCAT: an Easy Conversation Annotation Tool
Gaël Guibon, Luce Lefeuvre, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, June 2022.
Opinions in Interactions : New Annotations of the SEMAINE Database
Valentin Barrière, Chloé Clavel, Slim Essid
LREC, Marseille, France, June 2022.
Is on-line handwriting gender-sensitive? what tells us a combination of statistical and machine learning approaches
Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Gennaro Cordasco, Anna Esposito
ICPRAI 2022 :3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Paris, France, June 2022.
Félix Mathieu, Thomas Courtat, Gael Richard, Geoffroy Peeters
ICASSP, Singapour, Singapore, May 2022.
Generalized Sliced Probability Metrics
Soheil Kolouri, Kimia Nadjahi, Shahin Shahrampour, Umut Simsekli
ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Singapore, Singapore, May 2022.
”You might think about slightly revising the title”: Identifying Hedges in Peer-tutoring Interactions
Yann Raphalen, Chloé Clavel, Justine Cassell
ACL 2022 - 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland, May 2022. (Volume 1: L....
Learning Disentangled Textual Representations via Statistical Measures of Similarity
Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Nathan Noiry, Pablo Piantanida
60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Dublin (Ireland), Ireland, May 2022.
Flow-Based Fast Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Blind Source Separation
Aditya Arie Nugraha, Kouhei Sekiguchi, Mathieu Fontaine, Yoshiaki Bando, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022), Singapore, Singapore, May 2022.
Riemannian space tessellation with polyhedral room images
Jean-Dominique Polack, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Christophe Valière
16e Congrès Français d’Acoustique (CFA 2022), Marseille, France, April 2022.
Riemannian space tessellation with polyhedral room images
Jean-Dominique Polack, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Christophe Valière
16ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, CFA2022, Marseille, France, April 2022.
Confirming dimensional reduction assumptions for the energy-stress tensor through comparison with high-frequency wave-based pressure simulations
Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Dominique Polack
16ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, CFA2022, Marseille, France, April 2022.
Algorithmes rapides pour la modélisation d’une réponse de salle dont l’atténuation dépend de la fréquence
Achille Aknin, Roland Badeau
16e Congrès Français d’Acoustique (CFA 2022), Marseille, France, April 2022.
Statistical Depth Functions for Ranking Distributions: Definitions, Statistical Learning and Applications
Morgane Goibert, Stéphan Clémençon, Ekhine Irurozki, Pavlo Mozharovskyi
25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics AISTATS 2022, Valence, Spain, March 2022.
Analysis of a Target-Based Actor-Critic Algorithm with Linear Function Approximation
Anas Barakat, Pascal Bianchi, Julien Lehmann
25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Virtual, Unknown Region, March 2022.
InfoLM: A New Metric to Evaluate Summarization & Data2Text Generation
Pierre Jean A. Colombo, Chloé Clavel, Pablo Piantanida
AAAI : Technical Track on Speech and Natural Language Processing, Online (Guadalajara), Mexico, February 2022.
Direction-Aware Adaptive Online Neural Speech Enhancement with an Augmented Reality Headset in Real Noisy Conversational Environments
Kouhei Sekiguchi, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Yicheng Du, Yoshiaki Bando, Mathieu Fontaine, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, France, 2022.
Participation de l’équipe TGV à DEFT 2022 : Prédiction automatique de notes d’étudiants à des questionnaires en fonction du type de question
Vanessa Gaudray Bouju, Margot Guettier, Gwennola Lerus, Gaël Guibon, Matthieu Labeau, Luce Lefeuvre
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Avignon, France, 2022.
Aditya Arie Nugraha, Kouhei Sekiguchi, Mathieu Fontaine, Yoshiaki Bando, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
17th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC 2022), Bamberg, Germany, 2022.
Listen to Interpret: Post-hoc Interpretability for Audio Networks with NMF
Parekh Jayneel, Parekh Sanjeel, Mozharovskyi Pavlo, d’Alché-Buc Florence, Gael Richard
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, United States, 2022.
A general sample complexity analysis of vanilla policy gradient
Rui Yuan, Robert M Gower, Alessandro Lazaric
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Virtual conference (Covid), France, 2022.
What are the best systems? New perspectives on NLPBenchmarking
Ekhine Irurozki, Pierre Colombo, Nathan Noiry, Stéphan Clémençon
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, United States, 2022.
Direction-Aware Joint Adaptation of Neural Speech Enhancement and Recognition in Real Multiparty Conversational Environments
Yicheng Du, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Kouhei Sekiguchi, Yoshiaki Bando, Mathieu Fontaine, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
INTERSPEECH, Incheon, South Korea, 2022.
Escaping limit cycles: Global convergence for constrained nonconvex-nonconcave minimax problems
Thomas Pethick, Puya Latafat, Panagiotis Patrinos, Olivier Fercoq, Volkan Cevher
International Conference on Learning Representations, online, France, 2022.
Membership Inference Attacks via Adversarial Examples
Hamid Jalalzai, Elie Kadoche, Rémi Leluc, Vincent Plassier
December 2022. Trustworthy ....
Privacy in Machine Learning
Rachel Cummings, Mathias Valla, Luca Nesterenko, Tamim El Ahmad, Mehrasa Ahmadipour, Veronica Lachi, Clément Lalanne, Emilia Siviero, Clément Ogier, Ashna Jose, Aadil Oufkir
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, France, May 2022. Lecture.
Wind power predictions from nowcasts to 4-hour forecasts: a learning approach with variable selection
Dimitri Bouche, Rémi Flamary, Florence d’Alché-Buc, Riwal Plougonven, Marianne Clausel, Jordi Badosa, Philippe Drobinski
May 2022. The authors ....
Elliptically Contoured Alpha-Stable Representation for MUSIC-Based Sound Source Localization
Mathieu Fontaine, Diego Di Carlo, Kouhei Sekiguchi, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Yoshiaki Bando, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
March 2022. working pape....
Riemannian space tessellation with polyhedral room images
Jean-Dominique Polack, Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Christophe Valière
March 2022. working pape....
Approximate Bayesian computation with the sliced-Wasserstein distance
Kimia Nadjahi, Valentin Bortoli, Alain Durmus, Roland Badeau, Umut Şimşekli
2022. Accepted at ....
Journal Articles
Socio-conversational systems: Three challenges at the crossroads of fields
Chloé Clavel, Matthieu Labeau, Justine Cassell
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, December 2022.
Pretext Tasks selection for multitask self-supervised speech representation learning
Salah Zaiem, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid, Abdelwahab Heba
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, October 2022.
The Jazz Ontology: A semantic model and large-scale RDF repositories for jazz
Polina Proutskova, Daniel Wolff, György Fazekas, Klaus Frieler, Frank Höger, Olga Velichkina, Gabriel Solis, Tillman Weyde, Martin Pfleiderer, Hèlène Camille Crayencour, Geoffroy Peeters, Simon Dixon
Journal of Web Semantics, October 2022.
SGD with Coordinate Sampling: Theory and Practice
Rémi Leluc, François Portier
Journal of Machine Learning Research, October 2022. Journal of M....
Choosing Among Notions of Multivariate Depth Statistics
Karl Mosler, Pavlo Mozharovskyi
Statistical Science, August 2022.
Sketched Newton–Raphson
Rui Yuan, Alessandro Lazaric, Robert M Gower
SIAM Journal on Optimization, July 2022.
On the convergence of stochastic primal-dual hybrid gradient
Ahmet Alacaoglu, Olivier Fercoq, Volkan Cevher
SIAM Journal on Optimization, June 2022.
A stochastic Gauss-Newton algorithm for regularized semi-discrete optimal transport
Bernard Bercu, Jérémie Bigot, Sébastien Gadat, Emilia Siviero
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, May 2022. Early Access....
Power-aware feature selection for optimized Analog-to-Feature converter
Antoine Back, Paul Chollet, Olivier Fercoq, Patricia Desgreys
Microelectronics Journal, April 2022.
Convergence of constant step stochastic gradient descent for non-smooth non-convex functions
Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem, Sholom Schechtman
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, April 2022.
Empirical Risk Minimization under Random Censorship
Guillaume Ausset, Stéphan Clémençon, François Portier
Journal of Machine Learning Research, January 2022.
Statistical learning from biased training samples
Stéphan Clémençon, Pierre Laforgue
Electronic Journal of Statistics , January 2022.
Autoregressive Moving Average Jointly-Diagonalizable Spatial Covariance Analysis for Joint Source Separation and Dereverberation
Kouhei Sekiguchi, Yoshiaki Bando, Aditya Arie Nugraha, Mathieu Fontaine, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Tatsuya Kawahara
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2022.
Generalized Fast Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based on Gaussian Scale Mixtures for Blind Source Separation
Mathieu Fontaine, Kouhei Sekiguchi, Aditya Nugraha, Yoshiaki Bando, Kazuyoshi Yoshii
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2022.
Lyrics segmentation via bimodal text–audio representation
Michael Fell, Yaroslav Nechaev, Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Elena Cabrio, Fabien Gandon, Geoffroy Peeters
Natural Language Engineering, 2022.
Handwriting and Drawing Features for Detecting Personality Traits: An Analysis on Big Five Sub-dimensions
Anna Esposito, Terry Amorese, Michele Buonanno, Marialucia Cuciniello, Antonietta Esposito, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Maria Teresa Riviello, Carmine Spagnuolo, Alda Troncone, Gennaro Cordasco
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2022.
A Quadrature Rule combining Control Variates and Adaptive Importance Sampling
Rémi Leluc, François Portier, Aigerim Zhuman, Johan Segers
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022.
Video-to-Music Recommendation using Temporal Alignment of Segments
Laure Prétet, Gael Richard, Clément Souchier, Geoffroy Peeters
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.
Conditional independence testing via weighted partial copulas and nearest neighbors
Pascal Bianchi, Kevin Elgui, François Portier
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2022.
Comparing Deep Models and Evaluation Strategies for Multi-Pitch Estimation in Music Recordings
Christof Weis, Geoffroy Peeters
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2022.
Vector-Valued Least-Squares Regression under Output Regularity Assumptions
Luc Brogat-Motte, Alessandro Rudi, Celine Brouard, Juho Rousu, Florence d’Alché-Buc
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022.
Linear convergence of dual coordinate descent on non-polyhedral convex problems
Ion Necoara, Olivier Fercoq
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2022. 27 pages.
Universal aggregation of permutations
Ekhine Irurozki, Stéphan Clémençon
Proceedings of DA2PL 2022 : From Multiple-Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning, November 2022.
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2022)
Mathieu Lagrange, Annamaria Mesaros, Thomas Pellegrini, Gael Richard, Romain Serizel, Dan Stowell
November 2022.
Operational Fairness for Facial Authentication Systems
Mélanie Gornet, Claude Kirchner, Catherine Tessier
October 2022. ERCIM News 1....
Unsupervised Audio Source Separation Using Differentiable Parametric Source Models
Kilian Schulze-Forster, Clement S J Doire, Gael Richard, Roland Badeau
Automated analysis of cohesion in small groups interactions
Lucien Maman
September 2022.
Data depth: computation, applications, and beyond
Pavlo Mozharovskyi
July 2022.
Functional time series modeling and application to representation and analysis of multi-site electric load curves for energy management
Amaury Durand
April 2022.
Functional anomaly detection and robust estimation
Guillaume Staerman
April 2022.
Exploring generative adversarial networks for controllable musical audio synthesis
Javier Nistal Hurlé
March 2022.
Computational models of disfluencies : fillers and discourse markers in spoken language understanding
Tanvi Dinkar
January 2022.
Metric learning for video to music recommendation
Laure Prétet
January 2022.
Technical Reports
2021 [112 publications]
Conversion de la parole par apprentissage statistique avec modélisation complexe des modifications temporelles
Enguerrand Gentet, Sebastien Denjean, Vincent Roussarie, David Bertrand, Gael Richard
France, July 2021.
Conference Articles
Mixture weights optimisation for alpha-divergence variational inference
Kamélia Daudel, Randal Douc
Advances in Neural Information Processing (NeurIPS), Online, France, December 2021.
Fast Approximation of the Sliced-Wasserstein Distance Using Concentration of Random Projections
Kimia Nadjahi, Alain Durmus, Pierre E. Jacob, Roland Badeau, Umut Şimşekli
35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), En ligne, France, December 2021.
A Framework to Learn with Interpretation
Jayneel Parekh, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Florence d’Alché-Buc
Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), Sydney, Australia, December 2021.
Heavy Tails in SGD and Compressibility of Overparametrized Neural Networks
Melih Barsbey, Milad Sefidgaran, Murat A Erdogdu, Gael Richard, Umut Şimşekli
35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Online, United States, December 2021.
Code-switched inspired losses for generic spoken dialog representations
Emile Chapuis, Pierre Colombo, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, November 2021.
Few-Shot Emotion Recognition in Conversation with Sequential Prototypical Networks
Gaël Guibon, Matthieu Labeau, Hélène Flamein, Luce Lefeuvre, Chloé Clavel
The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, November 2021.
Improving Multimodal fusion via Mutual Dependency Maximisation
Pierre Colombo, Emile Chapuis, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Online and Punta Cana, France, November 2021.
From local hesitations to global impressions of the listener
Tanvi Dinkar, Beatrice Biancardi, Chloé Clavel
4th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing, Virtual Conference, Italy, November 2021.
Andrea Vaglio, Romain Hennequin, Manuel Moussallam, Gael Richard
22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2021, Online, India, November 2021.
Is There a ”Language of Music-Video Clips” ? A Qualitative and Quantitative Study
Laure Prétet, Gaël Richard, Geoffroy Peeters
ISMIR, Virtual Event, France, November 2021.
Training Deep Pitch-Class Representations With a Multi-Label CTC Loss
Christof Weiss, Geoffroy Peeters
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Virtual Event, France, November 2021.
Javier Nistal Hurlé, Stefan Lattner, Gael Richard
International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Virtual, France, November 2021.
Automatic Text Evaluation through the Lens of Wasserstein Barycenters
Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Pablo Piantanida, Chloé Clavel
EMNLP 2021, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, November 2021.
User-guided one-shot deep model adaptation for music source separation
Giorgia Cantisani, Alexey Ozerov, Slim Essid, Gael Richard
2021 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, NY, United States, October 2021.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide towards Transactive Memory System Modeling in Small Group Interactions
Enzo Tartaglione, Beatrice Biancardi, Maurizio Mancini, Giovanna Varni
Companion Publication of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Montreal (Canada), Canada, October 2021.
Analog-to-feature converter optimization through power-aware feature selection
Antoine Back, Paul Chollet, Olivier Fercoq, Patricia Desgreys
International Conference on Analog VLSI Circuits, Bordeaux, France, October 2021.
An Exploratory Computational Study on the Effect of Emergent Leadership on Social and Task Cohesion
Soumaya Sabry, Lucien Maman, Giovanna Varni
Workshop Insights on Group and Team Dynamics, Montreal QC Canada, France, October 2021.
Exploiting the Interplay between Social and Task Dimensions of Cohesion to Predict its Dynamics Leveraging Social Sciences
Lucien Maman, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Mohamed Chetouani, Giovanna Varni
23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Montreal, Canada, October 2021.
Get Together in the Middle-earth: a First Step Towards Hybrid Intelligence Systems
Giovanna Varni, André-Marie Pez, Maurizio Mancini
23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction; Workshop Insights on Group & Team Dynamics, Montreal, Canada, October 2021.
CATS2021: International Workshop on Corpora And Tools for Social skills annotation
Beatrice Biancardi, Eleonora Ceccaldi, Chloé Clavel, Mathieu Chollet, Tanvi Dinkar
Learning Multi-Pitch Estimation From Weakly Aligned Score-Audio Pairs Using a Multi-Label CTC Loss
Christof Weiss, Geoffroy Peeters
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY, United States, October 2021.
On the topic of frequency dependent exponential decay matrices and Lie groups
Achille Aknin, Roland Badeau
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, United States, October 2021.
Individual Survival Curves with Conditional Normalizing Flows
Stéphan Clémençon, Guillaume Ausset, Tom Ciffreo, François Portier, Timothee Papin
2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Porto, Portugal, October 2021.
Dynamic Graph Convolutional LSTM application for traffic flow estimation from error-prone measurements: results and transferability analysis
Stéphan Clémençon, Safa Boudabous, Houda Labiod, Julian Garbiso
2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Porto, Portugal, October 2021.
Reasoning with Transformer-based Models: Deep Learning, but Shallow Reasoning
Chadi Helwe, Chloé Clavel, Fabian Suchanek
2021 International Conference on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC), Virtual, United States, October 2021.
Javier Nistal Hurlé, Cyran Aouameur, Stefan Lattner, Gael Richard
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, United States, October 2021.
Language-Independent Bimodal System for Early Parkinson’s Disease Detection
Catherine Taleb, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Chafic Mokbel
ICDAR 2021, Lausanne ( CH), Switzerland, September 2021.
TURIN: A coding system for Trust in hUman Robot INteraction
Marc Hulcelle, Giovanna Varni, Nicolas Rollet, Chloé Clavel
2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Nara, France, September 2021.
How ECA vs Human Leaders Affect the Perception of Transactive Memory System (TMS) in a Team
Beatrice Biancardi, Patrick O’Toole, Ivan Giaccaglia, Brian Ravenet, Ian Pitt, Maurizio Mancini, Giovanna Varni
International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, Virtual conference, France, September 2021.
Using Valence Emotion to Predict Group Cohesion’s Dynamics: Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches
Lucien Maman, Mohamed Chetouani, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Giovanna Varni
International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2021), Virtual Event Nara, Japan, France, September 2021.
Don’t Judge Me by My Face: An Indirect Adversarial Approach to Remove Sensitive Information From Multimodal Neural Representation in Asynchronous Job Video Interviews
Leo Hemamou, Arthur Guillon, Jean-Claude Martin, Chloé Clavel
2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Nara, Japan, September 2021.
Learning to Rank Anomalies: Scalar Performance Criteria and Maximization of Two-Sample Rank Statistics
Myrto Limnios, Nathan Noiry, Stéphan Clémençon
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (2021), Bilbao, Spain, September 2021.
Damped Chirp Mixture Estimation via Nonlinear Bayesian Regression
Julian Neri, Philippe Depalle, Roland Badeau
23rd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx2020), Vienne, Austria, September 2021.
Conditional Independence for Pretext Task Selection in Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning
Salah Zaiem, Titouan Parcollet, Slim Essid
Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czech Republic, August 2021.
Unsupervised Blind Source Separation with Variational Auto-Encoders
Julian Neri, Roland Badeau, Philippe Depalle
29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2021), Dublin, Ireland, August 2021.
Attention-based distributed speech enhancement for unconstrained microphone arrays with varying number of nodes
Nicolas Furnon, Romain Serizel, Slim Essid, Irina Illina
EUSIPCO 2021 - 29th European Signal Processing Conference, Dublin / Virtual, Ireland, August 2021.
Smooth nonnegative tensor factorization for multi-sites electrical load monitoring
Amaury Durand, François Roueff, Jean-Marc Jicquel, Nicolas Paul
EUSIPCO, Dublin, Ireland, August 2021.
A Novel Pseudo-Bayesian Approach for Robust Multi-Ridge Detection and Mode Retrieval
Quentin Legros, Dominique Fourer
29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2021), Dublin, Ireland, August 2021.
A Novel Estimator of Mutual Information for Learning to Disentangle Textual Representations
Pierre Colombo, Pablo Piantanida, Chloé Clavel
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Online, France, August 2021.
Meta-learning for Classifying Previously Unseen Data Source into Previously Unseen Emotional Categories
Gaël Guibon, Matthieu Labeau, Hélène Flamein, Luce Lefeuvre, Chloé Clavel
1st Workshop on Meta Learning and Its Applications to Natural Language Processing, ACL 2021, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2021.
Learning from Biased Data: A Semi-Parametric Approach
Stéphan Clémençon, Patrice Bertail, Yannick Guyonvarch, Nathan Noiry
ICML 2021 virtual conference - 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, Online, United States, July 2021.
Relative Positional Encoding for Transformers with Linear Complexity
Antoine Liutkus, Ondřej Cífka, Shih-Lun Wu, Umut Şimşekli, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Gael Richard
ICML 2021 - 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, Virtual Only, United States, July 2021.
Generalization Bounds in the Presence of Outliers: a Median-of-Means Study
Pierre Laforgue, Guillaume Staerman, Stéphan Clémençon
38 th International Conference on Machine Learning (2021), Virtual conference, France, July 2021.
Cross-Modal Music-Video Recommendation: A Study of Design Choices
Laure Prétet, Gael Richard, Geoffroy Peeters
Special Session of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), Shenzhen, China, July 2021.
Unbalanced Mallows Models for Optimizing Expensive Black-Box Permutation Problems
Ekhine Irurozki, Manuel López-Ibáñez
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO21), Lille, France, July 2021.
Interaction Fidelity vs User’s Workload in a VR Environment: A Pilot Study
Maurizio Mancini, Jake Spreadborough, Laura Maye, Beatrice Biancardi, Giovanna Varni
Joint workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHItaly21) and Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality (MIXR21), Bolzano, Italy, July 2021.
Concentric Mixtures of Mallows Models for Top-k Rankings: Sampling and Identifiability
Fabien Collas, Ekhine Irurozki
38th International Conference on Machine Learning, Online, France, July 2021.
Giorgia Cantisani, Slim Essid, Gael Richard
2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toronto (virtual conference), Canada, June 2021.
Self-Supervised VQ-VAE for One-Shot Music Style Transfer
Ondřej Cífka, Alexey Ozerov, Umut Şimşekli, Gael Richard
ICASSP 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toronto / Virtual, Canada, June 2021.
Distributed speech separation in spatially unconstrained microphone arrays
Nicolas Furnon, Romain Serizel, Irina Illina, Slim Essid
ICASSP 2021 - 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toronto / Virtual, Canada, June 2021.
Nearest Neighbour Based Estimates of Gradients: Sharp Nonasymptotic Bounds and Applications
Stéphan Clémençon, Guillaume Ausset, François Portier
AISTATS 2021 : The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Virtual conference, France, May 2021.
When OT meets MoM: Robust estimation of Wasserstein Distance
Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Florence d’Alché-Buc, Pierre Laforgue
AISTATS 2021, Virtual Conference, France, April 2021.
Self-Concordant Analysis of Generalized Linear Bandits with Forgetting
Yoan Russac, Louis Faury, Olivier Cappé, Aurélien Garivier
AISTATS 2021 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, San Diego / Virtual, United States, April 2021.
Des leaders d’équipes virtuels pour encourager le développement du système de mémoire transactive
Beatrice Biancardi, Ivan Giaccaglia, Brian Ravenet, Giovanna Varni
32e conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM’20.21), Virtual Event, France, April 2021. IHM’20.21 32....
Nonlinear Functional Output Regression: a Dictionary Approach
Dimitri Bouche, Marianne Clausel, François Roueff, Florence d’Alché-Buc
24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Virtual, France, April 2021.
Learning Fair Scoring Functions: Bipartite Ranking under ROC-based Fairness Constraints
Robin Vogel, Aurélien Bellet, Stéphan Clémençon
The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Virtual conference, France, April 2021.
Comparing Representations for Audio Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Gaël Richard, Javier Nistal, Stefan Plattner
2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Amsterdam (Virtual), Netherlands, January 2021.
Méta-apprentissage : classification de messages en catégories émotionnelles inconnues en entraînement
Gaël Guibon, Matthieu Labeau, Hélène Flamein, Luce Lefeuvre, Chloé Clavel
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Lille, France, 2021.
Sequence-to-Sequence Predictive Model: From Prosody To Communicative Gestures
Fajrian Yunus, Chloé Clavel, Catherine Pelachaud
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - HCII, virtuel, France, 2021.
SAMbA: Speech enhancement with Asynchronous ad-hoc Microphone Arrays
Nicolas Furnon, Romain Serizel, Slim Essid, Irina Illina
December 2021. Submitted to....
EEG-based Decoding of Auditory Attention to a Target Instrument for Neuro-steered Music Source Separation
Giorgia Cantisani, Slim Essid, Gael Richard
September 2021. working pape....
Learning Output Embeddings in Structured Prediction
Luc Brogat-Motte, Alessandro Rudi, Celine Brouard, Juho Rousu, Florence d’Alché-Buc
July 2021. working pape....
Almost sure convergence rates for Stochastic Gradient Descent and Stochastic Heavy Ball
Othmane Sebbouh, Robert M Gower, Aaron Defazio
February 2021. working pape....
Journal Articles
Does the Goal Matter? Emotion Recognition Tasks Can Change the Social Value of Facial Mimicry towards Artificial Agents
Giulia Perugia, Maike Paetzel-Prüssman, Isabelle Hupont, Giovanna Varni, Mohamed Chetouani, Christopher Edward Peters, Ginevra Castellano
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, November 2021. 27 pages, 8 ....
Concentration Inequalities for Two-Sample Rank Processes with Application to Bipartite Ranking
Stéphan Clémençon, Myrto Limnios, Nicolas Vayatis
Electronic Journal of Statistics , September 2021.
Spectral estimation for non-linear long range dependent discrete time trawl processes
Paul Doukhan, François Roueff, Joseph Rynkiewicz
Electronic Journal of Statistics , August 2021.
Stochastic optimization with momentum: convergence, fluctuations, and traps avoidance
Anas Barakat, Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem, Sholom Schechtman
Electronic Journal of Statistics , August 2021.
Improving Reproducibility in Machine Learning Research (A Report from the NeurIPS 2019 Reproducibility Program)
Joelle Pineau, Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Koustuv Sinha, Vincent Larivière, Alina Beygelzimer, Florence d’Alché-Buc, Emily Fox, Hugo Larochelle
Journal of Machine Learning Research, August 2021.
Control variate selection for Monte Carlo integration
Rémi Leluc, François Portier, Johan Segers
Statistics and Computing, June 2021.
General-order observation-driven models: ergodicity and consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator
Tepmony Sim, Randal Douc, François Roueff
Electronic Journal of Statistics , June 2021.
Towards alignment strategies in human-agent interactions based on measures of lexical repetitions
Guillaume Dubuisson Duplessis, Caroline Langlet, Chloé Clavel, Frédéric Landragin
Language Resources and Evaluation, June 2021.
Approximate computation of projection depths
Rainer Dyckerhoff, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stanislav Nagy
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, May 2021.
Bayesian Allocation Model: Marginal Likelihood-Based Model Selection for Count Tensors
Sinan Yldrm, M. Burak Kurutmaz, Melih Barsbey, Umut Şimşekli, A. Taylan Cemgil
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, April 2021.
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the identifiability of observation-driven models
Randal Douc, François Roueff, Tepmony Sim
Journal of Time Series Analysis, March 2021.
Depth for Curve Data and Applications
Pierre Lafaye Micheaux, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Myriam Vimond
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2021.
Infinite-dimensional gradient-based descent for alpha-divergence minimisation
Kamélia Daudel, Randal Douc, François Portier
Annals of Statistics, 2021.
Screening Rules and its Complexity for Active Set Identification
Eugene Ndiaye, Olivier Fercoq, Joseph Salmon
Journal of Convex Analysis, 2021.
Les mégadonnées et l’essor de l’intelligence artificielle
Stéphan Clémençon
Les Cahiers français : documents d’actualité, 2021.
DNN-based mask estimation for distributed speech enhancement in spatially unconstrained microphone arrays
Nicolas Furnon, Romain Serizel, Slim Essid, Irina Illina
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2021.
Phoneme Level Lyrics Alignment and Text-Informed Singing Voice Separation
Kilian Schulze-Forster, Clement S J Doire, Gael Richard, Roland Badeau
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2021.
Adaptation Mechanisms in Human-Agent Interaction: Effects on User’s Impressions and Engagement
Beatrice Biancardi, Soumia Dermouche, Catherine Pelachaud
Frontiers in Computer Science, 2021.
Convergence and Dynamical Behavior of the Adam Algorithm for Non Convex Stochastic Optimization
Anas Barakat, Pascal Bianchi
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2021.
Approximate Inference and Learning of State Space Models with Laplace Noise
Julian Neri, Philippe Depalle, Roland Badeau
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021.
Scalable Semidefinite Programming
Alp Yurtsever, Joel A. Tropp, Olivier Fercoq, Madeleine Udell, Volkan Cevher
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2021.
Feature Clustering for Support Identification in Extreme Regions
Hamid Jalalzai, Rémi Leluc
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2021.
Anomalous Cluster Detection in Large Networks with Diffusion-Percolation Testing
Corentin Larroche, Johan Mazel, Stephan Clémençon
ESANN 2021 : European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning., October 2021.
Actes de la conférence CAID 2020
François Vieilleville, Stéphane May, Adrien Lagrange, A Dupuis, Rosa Ruiloba, Fred Ngolè Mboula, Tristan Bitard-Feildel, Erwan Nogues, Corentin Larroche, Johan Mazel, Stephan Clémençon, Romain Burgot, Alric Gaurier, Louis Hulot, Léo Isaac-Dognin, Laetitia Leichtnam, Eric Totel, Nicolas Prigent, Ludovic Mé, Rémi Bernhard, Pierre-Alain Moëllic, Jean-Max Dutertre, Katarzyna Kapusta, Vincent Thouvenot, Olivier Bettan, Tristan Charrier, Luc Bonnafoux, Francisco-Pierre Puig, Quentin Lhoest, Thomas Renault, Adrien Benamira, Benoit Bonnet, Teddy Furon, Patrick Bas, Benjamin Farcy, Silvia Gil-Casals, Juliette Mattioli, Marc Fiammante, Marc Lambert, Roman Bresson, Johanne Cohen, Eyke Hullermeier, Christophe Labreuche, Michele Sebag, Thomas Thebaud, Anthony Larcher, Gaël Le Lan, Nouredine Nour, Reda Belhaj-Soullami, Cédric L.R. Buron, Alain Peres, Frédéric Barbaresco, Antoine D’acremont, Guillaume Quin, Alexandre Baussard, Ronan Fablet, Marie-Caroline Corbineau, Louis Morge-Rollet, Frederic Le Roy, Denis Le Jeune, Roland Gautier, Benjamin Camus, Eric Monteux, Mikaël Vermet, Alex Goupilleau, Tugdual Ceillier
April 2021.
From local hesitations to global impressions of a speaker’s feeling of knowing
Tanvi Dinkar, Beatrice Biancardi, Chloé Clavel
September 2021. Poster.
Probabilistic semi-nonnegative matrix factorization: a Skellam-based framework
Benoît Fuentes, Gael Richard
Book Chapters
Rank Aggregation for Non-stationary Data Streams
Ekhine Irurozki, Aritz Perez, Jesus Lobo, Javier Ser
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track, September 2021.
The Deep Learning Revolution in MIR: The Pros and Cons, the Needs and the Challenges 2021
Geoffroy Peeters
Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music, 2021.
Deep Learning for Audio and Music
Geoffroy Peeters, Gael Richard
Multi-faceted Deep Learning: Models and Data, 2021.
Personalized audio auto-tagging as proxy for contextual music recommendation
Karim Magdi Abdelfattah Ibrahim
December 2021.
Contributions to non-convex stochastic optimization and reinforcement learning
Anas Barakat
December 2021.
Expected smoothness for stochastic variance-reduced methods and sketch-and-project methods for structured linear systems
Nidham Gazagnadou
December 2021.
Machine learning approaches for the prediction of credit risk
Guillaume Ausset
December 2021.
Neural methods for spoken dialogue understanding
Emile Chapuis
December 2021.
Neuro-steered music source separation
Giorgia Cantisani
December 2021.
Informed audio source separation with deep learning in limited data settings
Kilian Schulze-Forster
December 2021.
Sliced-Wasserstein distance for large-scale machine learning : theory, methodology and extensions
Kimia Nadjahi
November 2021.
Leveraging lyrics from audio for MIR
Andrea Vaglio
November 2021.
Deep learning methods for music style transfer
Ondřej Cífka
November 2021.
Apprendre à représenter et à générer du texte en utilisant des mesures d’information
Pierre Colombo
November 2021.
Extreme Value Theory and Machine Learning
Anne Sabourin
October 2021.
Network-wide intrusion detection through statistical analysis of event logs : an interaction-centric approach
Corentin Larroche
October 2021.
Adaptative Monte-Carlo methods for complex models
Kamélia Daudel
October 2021.
Variance-sensitive confidence intervals for parametric and offline bandits
Louis Faury
October 2021.
Vehicular traffic analysis based on Bluetooth sensors traces
Safa Boudabous
September 2021.
Learning function-valued functions in reproducible kernel Hilbert spaces with integral losses : Application to infinite task learning
Alex Lambert
July 2021.
Amélioration de l’intelligibilité de signaux audio de parole en contexte bruité automobile
Enguerrand Gentet
March 2021.
Conference Articles
Dynamically Modelling Heterogeneous Higher-Order Interactions for Malicious Behavior Detection in Event Logs
Corentin Larroche, Johan Mazel, Stéphan Clémençon
CAID 2020 : Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense, Rennes, France, November 2020.
2015 - 2020 [577 publications]
Conference Articles
Recent Trends in Statistical Analysis of Event Logs for Network-Wide Intrusion Detection
Corentin Larroche, Johan Mazel, Stéphan Clémençon
Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense (CAID), Rennes, France, December 2020.
Auralization of a Hybrid Sound Field using a Wave-Stress Tensor Based Model
Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Dominique Polack
Forum Acusticum, Lyon, France, December 2020.
The importance of fillers for text representations of speech transcripts
Tanvi Dinkar, Pierre Colombo, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Online, Dominican Republic, November 2020.
Hierarchical Pre-training for Sequence Labelling in Spoken Dialog
Emile Chapuis, Pierre Colombo, Matteo Manica, Matthieu Labeau, Chloé Clavel
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, Online, France, November 2020.
Quad-Approx CNNs for Embedded Object Detection Systems
Xuecan Yang, Sumanta Chaudhuri, Lirida Naviner, Laurence Likforman-Sulem
2020 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Glasgow, United Kingdom, November 2020.
Convergence Analysis of a Momentum Algorithm with Adaptive Step Size for Non Convex Optimization
Anas Barakat, Pascal Bianchi
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2020.
Andrea Vaglio, Romain Hennequin, Manuel Moussallam, Gael Richard, Florence d’Alché-Buc
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Montreal, Canada, October 2020.
Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Geoffroy Peeters
21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Montréal (virtual), Canada, October 2020.
Multimodal Groups’ Analysis for Automated Cohesion Estimation
Lucien Maman
Modeling Dynamics of Task and Social Cohesion from the Group Perspective Using Nonverbal Motion Capture-based Features
Fabian Walocha, Lucien Maman, Mohamed Chetouani, Giovanna Varni
Insights on Group & Team Dynamics, Virtual Event, Netherlands, October 2020.
The WoNoWa Dataset: Investigating the Transactive Memory System in Small Group Interactions
Beatrice Biancardi, Lou Maisonnave-Couterou, Pierrick Renault, Brian Ravenet, Maurizio Mancini, Giovanna Varni
ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Virtual conference, Netherlands, October 2020.
HRI-RNN: A User-Robot Dynamics-Oriented RNN for Engagement Decrease Detection
Asma Atamna, Chloé Clavel
INTERSPEECH 2020, Shanghai, China, October 2020.
Extending Deep Rhythm for Tempo and Genre Estimation Using Complex Convolutions, Multitask Learning and Multi-input Network
Hadrien Foroughmand, Geoffroy Peeters
The 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2020.
Karim M Ibrahim, Elena V Epure, Geoffroy Peeters, Gael Richard
21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 2020.
Weighted Emprirical Risk Minimization: Transfer Learning based on Importance Sampling
Robin Vogel, Mastane Achab, Stéphan Clémençon
ESANN 2020: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Online, France, October 2020.
Gender Identification through Handwriting: an Online Approach
Gennaro Cordasco, Michele Buonanno, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Maria Teresa Riviello, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Anna Esposito
2020 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), Mariehamn, Finland, September 2020.
Achille Aknin, Théophile Dupré, Roland Badeau
International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Vienne, Austria, September 2020.
Identifying the ”Right” Level of Explanation in a Given Situation
Valérie Beaudouin, Isabelle Bloch, David Bounie, Stéphan Clémençon, Florence d’Alché-Buc, James R Eagan, Winston Maxwell, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Jayneel Parekh
1st International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI (NeHuAI) ECAI 2020, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, September 2020.
DrumGAN: Synthesis of drum sounds with timbral feature conditioning using Generative Adversarial Networks
Javier Nistal Hurlé, Stefan Lattner, Gael Richard
21 st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Toronto, Canada, August 2020.
The Area of the Convex Hull of Sampled Curves: a Robust Functional Statistical Depth Measure
Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stéphan Clémençon
The Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2020, Online, Italy, August 2020.
A Multiclass Classification Approach to Label Ranking
Stéphan Clémençon, Robin Vogel
(AISTATS) 2020 : Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Palerme, Italy, August 2020.
Duality in RKHSs with Infinite Dimensional Outputs: Application to Robust Losses
Pierre Laforgue, Alex Lambert, Luc Brogat-Motte, Florence d’Alché-Buc
International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna (virtual), Austria, July 2020.
Improved Optimistic Algorithms for Logistic Bandits
Louis Faury, Marc Abeille, Clément Calauzènes, Olivier Fercoq
International Conference of Machine Learning, Vienne, Austria, July 2020.
Random extrapolation for primal-dual coordinate descent
Ahmet Alacaoglu, Olivier Fercoq, Volkan Cevher
International conference on machine learning, online, France, July 2020.
Tu sais qui sait quoi ? Suggestions pour l’étude du système de mémoire transactive dans un groupe à partir des patterns comportementaux et conversationnels.
Beatrice Biancardi, Lou Maisonnave-Couterou, Maurizio Mancini, Giovanna Varni
Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, June 2020.
Guider l’attention dans les modèles de séquence à séquence pour la prédiction des actes de dialogue
Emile Chapuis, Pierre Colombo, Matteo Manica, Giovanna Varni, Emmanuel Vignon, Chloé Clavel
Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, June 2020.
Analyse multimodale de la cohésion de groupe
Reshmashree B Kantharaju, Caroline Langlet, Mukesh Barange, Chloé Clavel, Catherine I Pelachaud
Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, June 2020.
Sequence-to-Sequence Predictive models: from Prosody to Communicative Gestures
Fajrian Yunus, Chloé Clavel, Catherine I Pelachaud
Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, June 2020.
Attention Slices dans les Entretiens d’Embauche Vidéo Différés
Léo Hemamou, Arthur Guillon, Jean-Claude Martin, Chloé Clavel
Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, June 2020.
How Confident are You? Exploring the Role of Fillers in the Automatic Prediction of a Speaker’s Confidence
Tanvi Dinkar, Ioana Vasilescu, Catherine Pelachaud, Chloé Clavel
Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, June 2020.
Feature selection algorithms for flexible analog-to-feature converter
Antoine Back, Paul Chollet, Olivier Fercoq, Patricia Desgreys
2020 18th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Montréal, Canada, June 2020.
Confidence-based Weighted Loss for Multi-label Classification with Missing Labels
Karim M Ibrahim, Elena Epure, Geoffroy Peeters, Gael Richard
The 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR ’20), Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
A Prototypical Triplet Loss for Cover Detection
Guillaume Doras, Geoffroy Peeters
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, France, May 2020.
Laplace state space filter with exact inference and moment matching
Julian Neri, Philippe Depalle, Roland Badeau
45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
Karim M Ibrahim, Jimena Royo-Letelier, Elena V. Epure, Geoffroy Peeters, Gael Richard
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
Laure Prétet, Gael Richard, Geoffroy Peeters
ICASSP, Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
Neutral to Lombard Speech Conversion with Deep Learning
Bertrand David, Enguerrand Gentet, Sebastien Denjean, Gael Richard, Vincent Roussarie
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, France, May 2020.
Speech Intelligibility Enhancement by Equalization for in-Car Applications
Enguerrand Gentet, David Bertrand, Sebastien Denjean, Gael Richard, Vincent Roussarie
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, France, May 2020.
Approximate Bayesian computation with the sliced-Wasserstein distance
Kimia Nadjahi, Valentin Bortoli, Alain Durmus, Roland Badeau, Umut Şimşekli
45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
DNN-Based Distributed Multichannel Mask Estimation for Speech Enhancement in Microphone Arrays
Nicolas Furnon, Romain Serizel, Irina Illina, Slim Essid
ICASSP 2020 - 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain, May 2020. Submitted to....
Joint phoneme alignment and text-informed speech separation on highly corrupted speech
Kilian Schulze-Forster, Clément Doire, Gael Richard, Roland Badeau
45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
Audio-Based Detection of Explicit Content in Music
Andrea Vaglio, Romain Hennequin, Manuel Moussallam, Gael Richard, Florence d’Alché-Buc
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, France, May 2020.
Probabilistic filter and smoother for variational inference of Bayesian linear dynamical systems
Julian Neri, Roland Badeau, Philippe Depalle
45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
How Confident Are You? Exploring The Role Of Fillers In The Automatic Prediction Of A Speaker’s Confidence
Tanvi Dinkar, Ioana Vasilescu, Catherine Pelachaud, Chloé Clavel
45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
Percolation-Based Detection of Anomalous Subgraphs in Complex Networks
Corentin Larroche, Johan Mazel, Stéphan Clémençon
XVIII Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA2020), Konstanz, Germany, April 2020.
Compositional Languages Emerge in a Neural Iterated Learning Model
Yi Ren, Shangmin Guo, Matthieu Labeau, Shay B Cohen, Simon Kirby
8th International Conference on Learning Representations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2020.
Distributed online Data Anomaly Detection for connected vehicles
Naman Negi, Ons Jelassi, Hakima Chaouchi, Stéphan Clémençon
ICAIIC 2020: 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, Fukuoka, Japan, February 2020.
Explicit Regularisation in Gaussian Noise Injections
Alexander Camuto, Matthew Willetts, Umut Şimşekli, Stephen Roberts, Chris Holmes
Advances in Neural Processing Systems, Online, France, 2020.
The POTUS Corpus, a database of weekly addresses for the study of stance in politics and virtual agents
Thomas Janssoone, Kevin Bailly, Gael Richard, Chloé Clavel
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), Marseille, France, 2020.
Statistical and Topological Properties of Sliced Probability Divergences
Kimia Nadjahi, Alain Durmus, Lénaïc Chizat, Soheil Kolouri, Shahin Shahrampour, Umut Şimşekli
Advances in Neural Processing Systems, Online, France, 2020.
Quantitative Propagation of Chaos for SGD in Wide Neural Networks
Valentin Bortoli, Alain Durmus, Xavier Fontaine, Umut Şimşekli
Advances in Neural Processing Systems, Online, France, 2020.
Hausdorff Dimension, Heavy Tails, and Generalization in Neural Networks
Umut Şimşekli, Ozan Sener, George Deligiannidis, Murat A. Erdogdu
Advances in Neural Processing Systems, Online, France, 2020. Published at....
Multimodal Analysis of Cohesion in Multi-party Interactions
Reshmashree B Kantharaju, Caroline Langlet, Mukesh Barange, Chloé Clavel, Catherine I Pelachaud
LREC, Marseille, France, 2020.
Matrix Factorization for High Frequency Non Intrusive Load Monitoring
Simon Henriet, Benoît Fuentes, Umut Şimşekli, Gael Richard
BuildSys ’20: The 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, Virtual Event, Japan, 2020.
Fractional Underdamped Langevin Dynamics: Retargeting SGD with Momentum under Heavy-Tailed Gradient Noise
Umut Şimşekli, Lingjiong Zhu, Yee Whye Teh, Mert Gürbüzbalaban
International Conference on Machine Learning, Online, France, 2020. 20 pages, Pu....
Weighted Empirical Risk Minimization: Transfer Learning based on Importance Sampling
Stéphan Clémençon, Robin Vogel, Mastane Achab, Charles Tillier
28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning ( ESANN 2020), Bruges (on line), Belgium, 2020.
Journal Articles
Parametric versus nonparametric: The fitness coefficient
François Portier, Gildas Mazo
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, December 2020.
New results on approximate Hilbert pairs of wavelet filters with common factors
Sophie Achard, Marianne Clausel, Irène Gannaz, François Roueff
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, November 2020.
NeuroPycon: An open-source python toolbox for fast multi-modal and reproducible brain connectivity pipelines
David Meunier, Annalisa Pascarella, Dmitrii Altukhov, Mainak Jas, Etienne Combrisson, Tarek Lajnef, Daphné Bertrand-Dubois, Vanessa Hadid, Golnoush Alamian, Jordan Alves, Fanny Barlaam, Anne-Lise Saive, Arthur Dehgan, Karim Jerbi
NeuroImage, October 2020.
Variance-Reduced Methods for Machine Learning
Robert M Gower, Mark Schmidt, Francis Bach, Peter Richtárik
Proceedings of the IEEE, October 2020.
Detection of Parkinson’s disease from handwriting using deep learning: a comparative study
Catherine Taleb, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Chafic Mokbel, Maha Khachab
Evolutionary Intelligence, September 2020.
A Fully Stochastic Primal-Dual Algorithm
Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem, Adil Salim
Optimization Letters, July 2020.
Why Facial Recognition Algorithms Can’t be Perfectly Fair
Winston Maxwell, Stéphan Clémençon
The Conversation France, July 2020.
Creating DALI, a Large Dataset of Synchronized Audio, Lyrics, and Notes
Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Alice Cohen-Hadria, Geoffroy Peeters
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (TISMIR), June 2020.
A Multivariate Extreme Value Theory Approach to Anomaly Clustering and Visualization
Maël Chiapino, Stéphan Clémençon, Vincent Feuillard, Anne Sabourin
Computational Statistics, June 2020.
Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Modeling and Understanding of Emotions in Conflictual Social Interactions
Rossana Damiano, Viviana Patti, Chloé Clavel, Paolo Rosso
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, May 2020.
“Talk to you later”
Nicolas Rollet, Chloé Clavel
Interaction Studies, May 2020.
“Talk to you later” Doing social robotics with conversation analysis. Towards the development of an automatic system for the prediction of disengagement
Nicolas Rollet, Chloé Clavel
Interaction Studies, May 2020.
Guiding Attention in Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Dialogue Act Prediction
Pierre Colombo, Emile Chapuis, Matteo Manica, Emmanuel Vignon, Giovanna Varni, Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, April 2020.
Comment limiter les biais des algorithmes ?
Charles-Albert With, Driss Lehalle, Marie Lamrani, David Brière, Winston Bounie, Patrice Bertail, Stéphan Clémençon, Patrick Waelbroeck, David Bounie
Les cahiers Louis Bachelier, April 2020.
Flexible and Context-Specific AI Explainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Valérie Beaudouin, Isabelle Bloch, David Bounie, Stéphan Clémençon, Florence d’Alché-Buc, James R Eagan, Winston Maxwell, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Jayneel Parekh
SSRN Electronic Journal, March 2020.
Posterior consistency for partially observed Markov models
Randal Douc, Jimmy Olsson, François Roueff
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, February 2020.
Uniform convergence rates for the approximated halfspace and projection depth
Stanislav Nagy, Rainer Dyckerhoff, Pavlo Mozharovskyi
Electronic Journal of Statistics , January 2020.
Nonparametric imputation by data depth
Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Julie Josse, François Husson
Journal of the American Statistical Association, January 2020.
Separation of Alpha-Stable Random Vectors
Mathieu Fontaine, Roland Badeau, Antoine Liutkus
Signal Processing, January 2020.
GAME-ON: A Multimodal Dataset for Cohesion and Group Analysis
Lucien Maman, Eleonora Ceccaldi, Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Mohamed Chetouani, Gualtiero Volpe, Giovanna Varni
IEEE Access, 2020.
Algorithmes : Biais, Discrimination et Équité
Patrice Bertail, David Bounie, Stéphan Clémençon, Patrick Waelbroeck
HR Today, 2020. Dossier HRM ....
Groove2Groove: One-Shot Music Style Transfer with Supervision from Synthetic Data
Ondřej Cífka, Umut Şimşekli, Gael Richard
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2020.
Parkinson’s desease detection by multimodal analysis combining handwriting and speech signals
Catherine Taleb
November 2020.
Apprentissage à partir de données extrêmes multivariées : application au traitement du langage naturel
Hamid Jalalzai
November 2020.
Deep kernel representation learning for complex data and reliability issues
Pierre Laforgue
June 2020.
Hilbert valued fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average processes with long memory operators
Amaury Durand, François Roueff
October 2020. working pape....
Heavy-tailed Representations, Text Polarity Classification & Data Augmentation
Hamid Jalalzai, Pierre Colombo, Chloé Clavel, Éric Gaussier, Giovanna Varni, Emmanuel Vignon, Anne Sabourin
September 2020. working pape....
HRI-RNN: A User-Robot Dynamics-Oriented RNN for Engagement Decrease Detection
Asma Atamna, Chloé Clavel
August 2020. working pape....
Improved Optimistic Algorithms for Logistic Bandits
Louis Faury, Marc Abeille, Clément Calauzènes, Olivier Fercoq
June 2020. working pape....
GRACE : Un projet portant sur l’étude automatique de la cohésion dans les petits groupes d’humains
Lucien Maman, Giovanna Varni
June 2020. Poster.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019)
Hanna M. Wallach, Hugo Larochelle, Alina Beygelzimer, Florence d’Alché-Buc, Emily B. Fox, Roman Garnett
Technical Reports
Stochastic reverberation model for uniform and non-diffuse acoustic fields
Roland Badeau
April 2019.
General stochastic reverberation model
Roland Badeau
February 2019.
Conference Articles
Generalized Sliced Wasserstein Distances
Soheil Kolouri, Kimia Nadjahi, Umut Şimşekli, Roland Badeau, Gustavo K. Rohde
NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.
Asymptotic Guarantees for Learning Generative Models with the Sliced-Wasserstein Distance
Kimia Nadjahi, Alain Durmus, Umut Şimşekli, Roland Badeau
NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.
RSN: Randomized Subspace Newton
Robert M Gower, Dmitry Kovalev, Felix Lieder, Peter Richtárik
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.
Towards closing the gap between the theory and practice of SVRG
Othmane Sebbouh, Nidham Gazagnadou, Samy Jelassi, Francis Bach, Robert M Gower
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.
Stochastic Conditional Gradient Method for Composite Convex Minimization
Francesco Locatello, Alp Yurtsever, Olivier Fercoq, Volkan Cevher
Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.
First Exit Time Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Descent Under Heavy-Tailed Gradient Noise
Thanh Huy Nguyen, Umut Şimşekli, Mert Gürbüzbalaban, Gael Richard
33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.
Functional Isolation Forest
Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stéphan Clémençon, Florence d’Alché-Buc
The 11th Asian Conference on Machine Learning 2019, Nagoya, Japan, November 2019.
Don’t hide in the frames: Note-and pattern-based evaluation of automated melody extraction algorithms
Klaus Frieler, Doğaç Başaran, Frank Höger, Hélène-Camille Crayencour, Geoffroy Peeters, Simon Dixon
DLfM ’19: 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, The Hague, Netherlands, November 2019.
Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Geoffroy Peeters
Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Delft, Netherlands, November 2019.
Cover detection using dominant melody embeddings
Guillaume Doras, Geoffroy Peeters
ISMIR 2019, Delft, Netherlands, November 2019.
Tracking beats and microtiming in afro-latin american music using conditional random fields and deep learning
Magdalena Fuentes, Lucas S Maia, Martín Rocamora, Luiz W P Biscainho, Hélène C Crayencour, Slim Essid, Juan P. Bello
ISMIR, Delft, Netherlands, November 2019.
Hadrien Foroughmand, Geoffroy Peeters
International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Delft, Netherlands, November 2019.
Supervised Symbolic Music Style Translation Using Synthetic Data
Ondřej Cífka, Umut Şimşekli, Gael Richard
20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Delft, Netherlands, November 2019.
From the Token to the Review: A Hierarchical Multimodal approach to Opinion Mining
Alexandre Garcia, Pierre Colombo, Slim Essid, Florence d’Alché-Buc, Chloé Clavel
2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Hong-Kong, China, November 2019.
SAMBASET: a dataset of historical samba de Enredo recordings for computational music analysis
Lucas S Maia, Magdalena Fuentes, Luiz W P Biscainho, Martín Rocamora, Slim Essid
The 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Delft, Netherlands, November 2019.
Experimenting with Power Divergences for Language Modeling
Matthieu Labeau, Shay B Cohen
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP), Hong Kong, China, November 2019.
Weakly informed audio source separation
Kilian Schulze-Forster, Clément Doire, Gael Richard, Roland Badeau
WASPAA, New Paltz, New York, United States, October 2019.
Giorgia Cantisani, Slim Essid, Gael Richard
2019 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, NY, United States, October 2019.
Sanjeel Parekh, Alexey Ozerov, Slim Essid, Ngoc Duong, Patrick Pérez, Gael Richard
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, United States, October 2019.
Handwriting and Drawing Features for Detecting Personality Traits
Anna Esposito, Terry Amorese, Michele Buonanno, Marialucia Cuciniello, Antonietta Esposito, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Maria Teresa Riviello, Alda Troncone, Gennaro Cordasco
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), Naples, Italy, October 2019.
On Tree-based Methods for Similarity Learning
Stéphan Clémençon, Robin Vogel
The Fifth Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD 2019), Sienne, Italy, Italy, September 2019.
How unitizing affects annotation of cohesion
Eleonora Ceccaldi, Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock, Erica Volta, Mohamed Chetouani, Gualtiero Volpe, Giovanna Varni
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2019.
Slices of Attention in Asynchronous Video Job Interviews
Léo Hemamou, Ghazi Felhi, Jean-Claude Martin, Chloé Clavel
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2019.
Improving singing voice separation using Deep U-Net and Wave-U-Net with data augmentation
Alice Cohen-Hadria, Axel Roebel, Geoffroy Peeters
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruna, Spain, September 2019.